Monday, January 12, 2009

Taking care of us

Well here we are in 2009, this year I have decieded that we as a family should start to take care of us.
So to me this means things like taking better care of our health and our happiness and home.
Starting of with myself, I have decieded its about time i started to look after my skin, after 20 years of working outdoors in our wonderful weather I have started to moisturise. Yeah my skin says at it drinks it all up. Secondly I have to drink way more water then I do, infact we as a family need to drink more.
My aim this year is to also get my front garden done, it still looks like when we built the house 6 years ago, its very embarrasing for me a gardener to have a dirt yard.
I have also decieded to get out and about more in the community, at the moment I have been feeling very isolated, staying at home is so different to working and I have realised now how alone we really are. While both working full time and having the kids to run around after we let our friendships slide away as we became to busy. Now we are alone.
Today poor Emma got to experience the effects of taking better care of ourselves as she went to the dentist for only the second time ever. She had to have a tooth pulled out and the remainder of a baby tooth that had snapped off and was growing out sideways as the adult tooth pushed it out the way. Hamish is next to visit the dentist.
Stewart has started doing his shed up finally, we have resealed the concrete and have replaced the skylights with uv ones, so now he just has to start wiring it all up and then line the thing. I am sure he will find a hundred other things to do while he is in there, but as long as this makes him happy and finally gives us a place for all his electrical gear which i am so sick of looking at.
This week Lachlan has been captain grumpy, he had his needles last week so was suffering the effects of them , we discovered yesterday that his first little tooth has also come through.
On another note all I can say is thank god the air conditioner is working today, temp is supposed to get up to 42 out here today.

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