Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yesterday the temp did get up to 42 degrees, it was a true scorcher. The trip to the dentist was a hot one but the kids were pleased with their ice creams from Hungry Jacks after.

My brother David brought Hayley around for a visit yesterday, she is 3 months older then Lachlan. It was a good reminder of having a moving bub in the house. She is crawling and was off all around the place. Hmmmmmm things to baby proof before Lachlan gets on the move.

David and I also talked about how well behaved the kids were at Auntie Caren's 50th Birthday party on Saturday. I didn't have to talk to them once about their behaviour, they had an absolute ball. There was a band there so the kids basically danced all night. The band even got them up to play the tambourine which both kids loved. I was so proud of them, it was nice to have family comment on how good they were. Even talking to Mum yesterday, she said that Stewart and I are doing a great job and the kids are beautiful. Ah shucks i felt ten feet tall and super proud of my kids.

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